For our Gothenburg office we are looking for a skilled senior developer that knows how to work in an agile team. You know the value of test driven development and realise that continuous delivery is the way to go. Your code follows the SOLID principles and you have no problem in separating your components using web services. In your tests you have tried out different mocking frameworks. When you select databases you know when to go with a releational database or an nosql database.

As a senior developer you are no stranger to software as a service (SaaS) and have experience with deployment to cloud hosting providers. You have experience with developing APIs for consumers and have full control over Java web services.

A Typical Week
  • You'll brainstorm with Product Owners and Architects to conceptualize new features
  • You'll collaborate with other software engineers in an agile environment
  • You'll learn about new web technologies and discuss potential solutions to problems
  • You'll mentor other engineers and review code
  • You'll continuously deliver software to AWS, even in production

A successful applicant will have 5+ years of experience in a combination of the following required skills.
  • Java EE / Spring
  • JPA / Hibernate
  • JMS
  • XML & XSD
  • Consuming and exposing web services from Java (REST / SOAP)
  • JUnit
  • Mock framework (Mockito / EasyMock)
  • Maven
  • Application server (JBoss / Glassfish)
  • Relational database (Oracle / MS SQL Developer / MySql)
  • CI Server (Jenkins)
  • Version control (Git/Mercurial)

Bonus Points
  • Liquibase
  • NoSql database (MongoDB)
  • Enterprise Service Bus (Mule)
  • Graphite
  • Test framework (Fitness)
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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